Alyss Imagination In The Looking Glass Wars

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In the beginning of The Looking Glass Wars novel Alyss’ character is described as gifted, precocious and altruistic. The author shows how Alyss is gifted and precocious by saying that “Imagination was an important part of Wonderland” and that “Alyss had the most powerful imagination ever seen in a seven-year-old” (Beddor 21). For Alyss’ imagination to be that strong her blood line must be very powerful also. Although most of Alyss’ bloodline’s power is used for good Alyss’ imagination could be tempted to be used for “good or ill” (Beddor 21) just how her aunt’s power was turned ill. So Alyss’s imagination could be a very dangerous weapon if she doesn’t learn how to control it and use it for good. When the author says “She flinched with each…show more content…
She’s been living in the real world for so long she has told herself that Wonderland is not real. Due to her not believing in Wonderland and thinking it was all fake, she stopped using her once very powerful imagination and lost it. Alyss had forgotten who she was and her mother specifically said “Never forget who you are”(Beddor 90). Alyss had ignored her mother’s wise words by acting like her sisters and everyone around her. Her family in the real world had “immediately noticed a change in Alyss” but they could not pinpoint what exactly had changed about her (Bedor 90). Little did they know that Alyss had changed her whole perspective on life. She did not think of Wonderland anymore she thought about the world she was in. She completely blocked Wonderland out and she stopped trying to get back to her home. She gave up hope on getting home and claiming her rightful place on the throne. In chapter 28 Dodge came to bring Alyss back to Wonderland, so Alyss can save the Wonderlanders and Wonderland. When Alyss saw Dodge’s face her thoughts were “It couldn’t have been him. The man with the scars. He couldn’t have. He didn’t exist” (Beddor 116), by Alyss thinking this it proves that she has truly tried to forget her old life, but she can’t completely forget seven years. Alyss’ changes will make it hard for her to accept that Wonderland is actually real when Dodge comes to take her…show more content…
Her exit from the real world was dramatic. She had card soldiers and an assassin cat chasing after her and Dodge. This event probably left her family in the real world very confused and not sure of what they believe in anymore. Alyss’ changes from part 2 has her having a hard time believing she is back in Wonderland and is suppose to defeat Redd and save the Wonderlanders. She told herself “This isn’t real” and that she should not remember so vividly what is not suppose to be real she said “you-all of this- can’t exist”(Beddor 124). Alyss’ time in the real world caused her not to practice her imagination and she forgot how to use it. Yet all of the Alyssians expect her to defeat Redd by having a stronger imagination. Alyss is concerned she will not be able to do this, but luckily Bibwit Harte suggested that she go through the looking glass maze which is suppose to bring Alyss to her full potential. “Redd herself has never went through any maze”(Beddor 128) which is good news for Alyss and the Alyssians, because now Alyss has a better chance of defeating
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