From Alyss To Alice In Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars

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From Alyss to Alice and Back Again Changing character is a normal part of life. Throughout the years, one does not stay the same, but changes looks, interests, hobbies, and personality. This also goes for characters in books, where the reader can see development in the hero/heroine. Alyss Heart from ‘The Looking Glass Wars’ by Beddor is a good example. In the beginning of the novel, Alyss Heart is characterized as immature, stubborn, and naive. The book states, “I won’t need any lessons,” Alyss said. “I’ll just imagine that I know everything and then I will, so you won’t have to give them to me.” (Beddor 26). This shows Alyss does not understand that everything has its limits and not everything is just handed to her. It also…show more content…
The once naive and imaginative little girl has become an intelligent, thoughtful, young woman. On page 89, ‘Alice’ wants to rid of her old life and accepting the fact she could no longer be Alyss Heart saying, “No more. Erase it all. I will no longer be Odd Alice. Odd Alice must die.” Alice is transiting into the new life in the “normal world” and is giving up on her thoughts of Wonderland and on her imagination. Alice has become thoughtful to others (especially those who have less than her) due to her past and has thoughts like: “What’s become of him and the others? Andrew, Margaret, and Francine were hardly old enough to dress themselves, never mind living on the streets without the love and support of family.” (Beddor 98). This has helped develop her personality and how she affects others greatly, for the care she has learned to have for children who were in her place gave them much more support than they had before. Although Alice has changed, she still has the hopes that Wonderland was not just her imagination after all. “Her fingers touched the cold reflective surface and she stood fingertip to fingertip with her mirrored image.What more had she expected? For her hand to pass into the mirror?” (Beddor 119). The reader can infer from this that Alice knows deep down, or hopes at least, that Wonderland is real. Why

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