Rites Of Passages In Beddor's The Looking Glass Wars

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Throughout life people change in many ways. One way is by experiencing many different rites of passages. These rites of passages change people as character and their way of life. In The Looking Glass Wars, Beddor does this with his character Alyss. Beddor uses what Alice experienced and what she becomes because of her experiences to portray how different rites of passages can change someone’s life. In the beginning of the novel, Alyss is characterized as impatient, imaginative, and immature. Beddor illustrates, during the Inventor’s Parade that “ Still Alyss wondered, what was the big deal? Having to stand here until her feet hurt. It was punishment” (Beddor 2). Alyss is saying she was bored, and being inpatient, she rather be doing something that does not use her time wisely. Alyss was…show more content…
While Alyss and Quigly were working on the streets for money so everyone could eat, the author states, “It’s not as strong as mother thought, probably never was” (Beddor 108). The more time she spent in London the more time she thought her imagination was vanishing. Day by day her fright inside was slowly becoming sadness. Alyss doubting her imagination has now caused her to feel conflicted about who she is as a person: “What am I supposed to do now?” Can’t live as odd Alice” (Beddor 149). She decides she is not going to be considered as odd Alice, so she rips up her drawings of Wonderland and decides to forget about who she really was. Once Alyss finally adjust to the real world here she is being dragged back to the place she did not believe in anymore. the author states, “Having worked impossibly hard to convince herself that the place about to be seen by her disbelieving eyes didn’t exist” (Beddor 205). Beddor states this when they are plunging back to Wonderland, because she no longer believes in Wonderland or Imagination, she was officially

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