Airline Crisis Case Study

2226 Words9 Pages
Leadership in an Airline Crisis (2200 words) By Teo Shao Wei This topic calls for me to imagine that I am a CEO of an airline and one of my passenger aircraft crashed with 300 people on board. I am unaware if they are dead or injured. What should I do AND what should I not do? This essay looks at past case precedents where there are similar airline incidents. I will then draw valuable lessons on what a CEO should look out for during such a crisis, with particular emphasis on the Do’s and Don’ts. 1 Past Case Precedents 1.1 The Air France Accident Flight AF447 left Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 31th bound for Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. On board were 216 passengers and 12 crewmembers. During flight over the Atlantic the airplane…show more content…
On board were 172 people of which 154 died. The aircraft attempted a first takeoff but returned to the gate after technical problems and passengers were told that they might have to change aircraft. The technical problems were resolved and it was during the second attempt to take off that one of the engines caught fire and the aircraft crashed to the ground after only reaching an altitude of around 60 meters. Fire spread quickly in the wreckage of the aircraft that was fully fuelled. 1.3 The SAS Accident On October 8th, 2001 SAS flight SK686 was taking off from Linate Airport in Milan bound for Copenhagen. During takeoff the flight crashed into a small private airplane on the runway and crashed into a luggage hangar and caught fire. All 104 passengers and six crewmembers perished, as well as four people in the private jet and four people working in the hangar. At the time of the accident there was thick fog at Linate Airport and the private jet ended up on the wrong runway. The accident was ruled to be caused by air traffic control mistakes and four people working at Linate airport were sentenced to prison, amongst them the airport director who was sentenced to 8

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