Aggression And Aggression

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Aggression is a forceful action or procedure like an unprovoked attack particularly when intended to dominate or overpower someone or something. When we observe so much violence around us in every routine day, we might come to the point that people have a natural ability, or an instinct, to be aggressive. Some well appreciated philosophers and psychologists have argued that it is the case. For instance, the philosopher Thomas Hobbes took the view, arguing that humans are by nature evil and that only society could limit their aggressive tendencies. On the other side, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau was even more positive. He believed that humans are by nature gentle creatures who are aggressive only because they are taught to be so by…show more content…
Children who are aggressive as infants also are aggressive when they are adults. Evolutionary principles recommends that we ought to be less likely to harm those who are genetically related to us than we harm others who are different to us. And research has supported this finding for instance that biological parents are much less likely to abuse or murder their own children than stepparents who are more likely to harm their children. The evolutionary social psychology of family is violence in the society. An evolutionary psychological perspective on homicide. In fact, it is found that preschool children living with their stepparent or foster parent were many times more likely to be killed by their parent than were children who lived with their both biological…show more content…
In reality, anything that leads to discomfort or negative emotions can increase aggression of children. It is evident that negative affect increases aggression among children. Different factors in a child’s environment can increase his susceptibility towards aggressive behavior. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, any combination of stress inducing family and socioeconomic factors of children can cause a child to react strongly towards others. These factors include poverty, deprivation or neglect, single parenting or divorce situations and other like these. Sometimes, children react out violently due to imitating the behavior of others around them. This exposure can occur in the home as a result of child or spousal abuse, especially in homes where drug or alcohol use commonly occurs and weapons are easily accessible. Children also mimic aggression they witness and observe while watching TV or movies. Violent or aggressive behavior in children can be shown as disobedience, fighting, destroying property, harming animals and pets, setting fires and other forms of acting out angrily. Parents, teachers and other elders who care for their children should always take these types of destructive and irresponsible behaviors seriously. Knowing the various causes behind such abnormal acts, compulsive behavior is the 1st step towards
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