Henri Tafel's Reaction To Child Misbehavior

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reaction to child misbehaviour” (New South Wales. Department of Community Services, 2004, p. 4). This results in children getting away with bad behaviour and thus building the idea that misconduct is an acceptable thing. Aside from parents, siblings are one of the first friends children make. Siblings share a strong bond and are more similar to each other than they are to other children. The chances of “a second child being highly physically aggressive if the first child was aggressive were found to be three or four times higher than if the first child was non-aggressive” (Baillargeon, Tremblay & Willms, 2002). This supports the claim that “young children with the highest degree of temperamental and cognitive predisposition to aggressive behaviour…show more content…
The social identity is “a person’s sense of who they are based on their group membership” (McLeod, 2008). Belonging to a group allows an individual to build self-esteem and pride, and provides them with a feeling of social belonging. When an individual becomes a part of a group that group is considered to be that individual’s in-group, anyone who is not in their group is considered a part of the out-group. People attempt to better their self-image by reinforcing the stature of their, however, some people also try to increase their self-image by discriminating against outgroups. Thus they have divided themselves up into “us” and “them” through…show more content…
In order to fit and feel accepted into a group people may change their behaviour, and sometimes this could result in violence. Sherif’s popular “Robbers Cave” study (1954) showed that when twenty two boys were split into two groups they bonded with their in-group, they became more hostile towards the other group, the out-group. Aggressive behaviour between the two groups escalated from name calling to vandalism and arson. Common examples of this are adolescents who become a part of a gang, fraternity, or even sports team. Many of the more exclusive groups in society require newbies to go through an initiation in order to prove they are worthy and have what it takes to be a part of their. Majority of the time these initiations involve unethical and harmful acts, in fact, there has been over 104 deaths from initiations in the United States since 1970. These acts can range from sexual harassment, bullying, all the way to extreme acts such as rape and murder. As an individual begins to feel more accepted into the group they become more attached and thus more influence, this results in long term exposure to negative actions and behaviour, and thus could potentially alter the way an individual acts not just in the group but also outside of the group. Children, or adolescents, in violent circumstances are ‘primed to

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