Advertising In The Hotel Industry

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Also, Udeagha (1999) said that minus advertising and promotions generally, that brand would be dead. That advertising is known to create brand image and to promotional elements such as advertising, a hotel can create good image of itself before the public. Writing further, he remarked that advertising contributes to the economy by contributing to personal selling and making it cheaper operation. He equally said that advertising plays an information role. He also went further to say that advertising helps to raise the standard of living of the masses and creates awareness. He at this stage considered the role of advertising in the development of economy with particular reference to its contribution to the improvement of locally manufactured…show more content…
From the above stated, it is clear that a hotel that undertakes advertising will cut down on the cost of using personal selling like employment of sales people to take on the activities of the hotel. Any Hotel that undertakes advertising ensures easy disseminating of useful information and at the same time, customers are exposed to the numerous hotels in Enugu and they will be in a better position to choose which one to patronize. He further stated that advertising is a function which aids business in many ways. For example; it induces customers to patronize organizations. From this, one can conveniently say that hotels and hospitality industries in general may advertise just to inform their prospective customers that they exist and as well states the various services they provides which may appeal to their various categories of patronizers/customers. In another contribution, (Ogbechie 1984) said that, "the Nigerian economy would not be able to move fast without the promotional element advertising industry pulling it". he equally, said that the more there is industrial progress, the more it is essential to communicate the merits of products or services to the masses in general. Ebue (1995) opined that Advertising is certainly relevant to Nigerian society. He said, "Advertising is characterized by sound, colour and the use of print".…show more content…
They usually consisted of drawing and scanty copy because few people could read. The signs advertised the goods of individual merchants. It was the advent of the printing press in 1455 that created the growth impetus for advertising. The first newspaper appeared in England - the weekly News in 1622. Henry Sampson, a historian, recalls that the first achievement was for the return of a stolen horse. In 1630, a Paris doctor also said to have opened a shop where advertisement could be posted for three days. By 1650, such offices had sprouted and this was the beginning of the centralization of advertising. The breaking of new ground characterized the growth history of advertising in

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