Advantages Of Text Mining

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1.1 Text Mining Text mining (also known as text data mining or text analytics) is, at its simplest, a method for drawing out content based on meaning and context from a large body of text. It is a method for gathering structured information from unstructured text. It is via text mining tools, for example, that many spam filters detect unwanted emails from your inbox, and how companies can anticipate, rather than simply react to, their customer needs by sifting through masses of seemingly unrelated data and discovering meaningful relationships. Text mining also has significant potential for academic application and, at least when used in its basic form, benefits from being a relatively straightforward and easy tool to master. 1.2 Social media…show more content…
People have been sharing information on social networks through the use of status updates , blogging, sharing multimedia content like images and videos as well as interacting together thereby forming groups and communities on social networks. Monitoring and analyzing this information can lead to valuable insights that might otherwise be hard to get using conventional methods and media sources. The social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr provide a new way to share the information among them and get frequent updates. In addition to this, the sites also allow sharing of additional information which can be important in analyzing the contents, e.g. location etc. The social media has an advantage over conventional media sources as it is managed by the users. Conventional media only allowed users to gain information that was provided to them. The flow of information was only one-sided from the media to user. With social networks, however, the users now have the ability to respond to the news and events around them and provide their opinion on them as well as share them. This leads to the…show more content…
Since its launch, twitter has amassed a large user base and now has over 300 million users (June, 2011) Twitter allows its users to post short status messages called tweets. Tweets can be posted (tweeted) from various sources which include the twitter website, twitter mobile applications as well as several third party applications/websites (after authentication). Users also have the control over the privacy features and they can choose to either make their tweets public which make the tweets visible to any one or make them private which restricts the access to only some users who obtain permission from the user. Users can follow other users on twitter which gives them access to their tweets on their homepage on twitter. Twitter allows several other features. It allows users to reply to tweets of other users by clicking on the reply button on the tweet of the user who one wants to reply to. This is a way to say something back in response to a user’s tweet. In addition to this, users can also mention other users in their tweets by adding ‘@’ to the username of another user in a tweet. A mention is a way to refer to some other user. Another popular concept of twitter is retweeting. A retweet is an event of sharing someone else’s tweet to our followers. Retweet plays an important part in the dissemination of information on

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