Importance Of Social Media Monitoring

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“Social Media Monitoring: How it works and why it’s important”. Social Media Monitoring is.... Social media monitoring is when social media channels are being used to monitor information about a company, group or organization. Some of the tracking is done on media content including blogs, forums, news websites, Twitter and Facebook. This is one of the services that cloud90 provide to their clients. Cloud90 track everything from, Twitter, Facebook, mainstream media and many more to see what is being said about their clients. The content searched on these sites are anything from videos, photos, press releases, comments, tweet’s and posts. It’s important for companies, groups or organizations to use Social Media Monitoring because....…show more content…
• Monitor the Competition – this allows them to see how well their competition is doing, what are they doing wrong and what are they doing that are bringing in their customers. • Manage Any Crisis – Monitoring in real time, you can deal with a problem when it arises straight away.- people aren’t going to want to wait around days waiting for a response on a problem they are having so it is vital that the company get on to fixing the problem as soon as possible while informing the customer of what they plan on doing to fix it • Answer questions from customers and respond to complaints- using Social Media Monitoring allows a company to track what people are saying about them and if any questions or complaints arise, it allows them to see the comments and then they are able to respond to the person in question. The company may not always be online but if they use a service such as Cloud90 we can notify them when such a time arises. • Solve customers’ problems – If a problem keeps coming up when reporting, this info can be passed onto the client who in turn can address the…show more content…
Crisp's unfailing moderation service works across all social channels - keeping the good content you want, while still catching and eliminating every kind of risk. They do it by using powerful technology that scrapes every post, comment and byte, this helps their expert human analysts check each item to confirm if it needs further action, based on criteria you designate. Finally they will notify you, remove the bad content, or both, according to your instructions. They feel that it is this superb combination of technology and human power that makes them better, stronger, faster and more accurate than anyone else. Radian6( Raidan6 allows you to track, monitor and react to comments as they happen. They also build a feed from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, blogs, news, and more. They have broken this down into the following categories: Scalable Brand Monitoring and Actionable Social

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