Advantages Of Positivism

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Positivism Positivism is a philosophical position that stresses about empirical data (based on experience, logic, or through observations) and the scientific methods. Positivism is largely based empirical knowledge (knowledge is based on experience through the five senses of the human body) and positivism rejects the two different theoretical states, which are; “the theological state or fictitious state or the metaphysical or abstract state” (Phillips, 2000) The theological state is a primitive state of knowledge, a state where humans believed in natural order such as “souls, spirits” and gods (Phillips, 2000), and the metaphysical state question the natural phenomena of existence, reality, space, time through “vital forces” (Phillips, 2000) The theological and metaphysical concepts have been extremely rejected by philosophers such as Hume, questioning whether metaphysical observations, can be measure through observations, can scientific logic be applied through scientific methods and if metaphysics can be deemed factual. (Phillips, 2000) The third state which was widely accepted was the positivity stage, the scientific state as commonly known, which is based on scientific observations, experimental data which can be measured and its statements justified through empirical knowledge. This being the…show more content…
This dismisses thoughts, the mind, religious views and ethical behaviour of human beings. Swinburne also argued that all universal general laws cannot be verified and that would deem verificationism meaningless (Taylor, 1970). Verificationism is too rigid as all universal laws are empirically unverifiable. The theory of verificationism was found to be self-refuting as it itself cannot be empirically verified, it has no truth value and can therefore rendered

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