Advantages And Disadvantages Of Millennials

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Companies and brands today spend millions trying to figure out how can they leverage the buying behaviour of their target groups to their advantage. Millennials are an emerging and important segment of consumers, as they are the people with the spending power in the near future. Energy drink/sports drink companies often try to understand the sports-related and entertainment-related habits of the millennials, as they hope to develop a connect between the sporting habits and their own brand. However, the kind of activities enjoyed by millennials differs from those of the previous generation, and understanding these differences requires significant analytical ability. Red Bull successfully orchestrated this ability by foraying into competitive video gaming, or eSports. They have been able to foster an authentic, lasting, and powerful connection with millennials through eSports, and this was made possible by recognizing the potential of eSports early and has executed its marketing campaign more effectively than almost any other brand involved in the space. The energy drink maker has been sponsoring and working with professional video game players since 2006. Through the years, their understanding of the consumption patterns has evolved and they’ve learnt how to perfectly…show more content…
Then, in 2011, Red Bull organized their own Red Bull LAN events, taking its commitment to eSports to the next level. The LAN events served a dual purpose, being the perfect test bed for Red Bull events while simultaneously delivering high production and competitive value which helped Red Bull grow its brand equity in the community. Red Bull LAN provided the platform upon which the drink maker built an authentic connection within gaming, reaching out to more eSports fans in order to generate a bigger interest in their

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