Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cyber Networks

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Most people in the Western world interact with some kind of network every day. If they are not the ones physically accessing it, they encounter technology which uses a network to function. Even though most networks function every day with no problems, they all have vulnerabilities which leave them open to attack. Local Area Networks (LAN), Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN), the internet, and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) all have vulnerabilities which can cause large-scale problems if exploited. Local Area Networks (LAN) A LAN is the network most people access when they get on their personal or work computer. These networks are meant to connect a few computers, printers, or other devices in a close area to allow them to communicate easily. If a LAN is accessing outside networks, distributed denial of service (DDOS) attack may…show more content…
Including Facebook, MySpace, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest, it seems like more social networking sites are being added every day. Because social media is designed for people to share information and experiences, it can be very easy for a cyber warrior to gather information to use for nefarious purposes. Cyber warriors can gain information through passive, active, or combined collection on social media sites. Passive Collection Passive collection occurs exactly as it sounds; a cyber warrior gathers information through looking at social media sites. Most sites have areas designed for people to share personal information with others. This information can include things like email addresses, birth dates, places of employment, and family members. Most sites allow users to define the privacy setting levels for this information. Some people take no time to adjust the privacy settings for their profiles, allowing sensitive identifying information to be available for anyone who can access the site to
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