Examples Of Negotiation In Negotiation

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MIDDLE GAMBITS As the negotiations progress, other factors come into play. 1. Higher Authority: • Don’t let the other side know that you have the authority to make a decision. • Your higher authority should be a vague entity, not an individual. • Leave your ego at home when you’re negotiating. Don’t let the seller trick you into admitting that you have authority. • Attempt to get the other party to admit that he or she could approve your proposal if it meets all of his or her needs. If that fails, go through the three counter gambits: 1. Appeal to the seller’s ego. 2. Get a commitment to recommend your proposal to the higher authority. 3. Go to a qualified subject-to close. 2. Never Offer to Split the Difference: • Don’t fall into the trap of…show more content…
In a stalemate, both sides still want to find a solution, but neither can see a way to move forward. • The response to a stalemate should be to change the dynamics of the negotiation by altering one of the elements. 7. Handling Deadlocks: A deadlock is a situation in which the lack of progress has frustrated both sides to the point that they see no point in talking to each other anymore. • The only way to resolve a true deadlock is by bringing in a third party. • The third party can act as either a mediator or an arbitrator. Mediators can only facilitate a solution, but both sides agree up front that they will abide by an arbitrator’s final decision. • Don’t view having to bring in a third person as a failure on your part. There are many reasons why third parties can reach a solution that the parties to the negotiation couldn’t reach alone. • The third party must be seen as neutral by both sides. • Keep an open mind about the possibility of a deadlock. You can develop your full power as a negotiator only if you’re willing to walk away. By refusing to consider a deadlock, you’re giving away a valuable pressure point. 8. Always Ask for a

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