Disadvantages Of Internet

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Internet - an indispensable portion of everyday life Throughout the centuries, mankind has thrived on the constant evolvement of implements and techniques. This need for evolving is driven by the desire of a more easeful lifestyle, in other word, conveniences. Over the past few decades, the gradual pace of development has been shattered and drastically speeded up to an environment where new inventions and technologies keeps popping up, continuously replacing the old ones. Under this condition appeared the products as the telephones, computers, elevators, microwaves, washing machines, and millions of other useful things. Yet above all these, when it comes to which of the inventions especially improved the lifestyle of people nowadays, undoubtedly…show more content…
It consists a vast amount of knowledge for just about every subject known to man, ranging from governmental law and services, market numbers, new ideas, technical supports, news and international situations, the list could go on endlessly. With the appropriate skills, one can find any type of data on whatever topic he is looking for. Though the accessibility to so much information certainly exists disadvantages, the internet has already become a significant portion of one’s knowledge base. In fact, students from all different grades of schooling are among the top users who surf the internet for research. For instance, someone is required to write an evaluation based on a current event, he would definitely go on the internet to find research accordingly then to go to the library instead. The truth is, as much as some might wish, books can never catch up the pace of the occurrence of things, while the internet presents a faster, cheaper, and more detailed access to informations, it is only natural that the usage of network is highly…show more content…
People from different positions had always had disparate access to knowledge. To some less fortunate ones, getting more diversified education and perspectives seemed merely possible, they were limited by the their harsh circumstances. But with the internet, where all the informations are laid out equally straightforward to anybody, it puts everyone on the same standard. The same principle also applies to how the internet aids the understanding of others. Before the network, people were still relatively poor on cognition of different cultures and ethnicities; many of them just had the acknowledgement of the concept that there are other countries who practice variant lifestyles then they do and some limited knowings of their characteristics, which were easily formed into prejudices. For examples, Asians all have skinny statures and small eyes, Black men always appear to be angry, African countries are all extremely hot, England is always foggy... But as the internet cut the distance between races and races, it granted the privilege for people to see and understand the differences they
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