Accounting Purpose

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STATEMENT OF PURPOSE It is difficult to understate the importance of Accounting in companies and the business world as a whole. It is because of my recognition of the importance of accounting that I have decided to seek further education and a career in this field. After careful consideration, it has become clear to me that developing a successful career in accounting in the modern business environment requires advanced training in accounting and related subjects. I am motivated to study in your master’s program in Accounting, by an awareness of the ever-changing reality of the business environment and the need to upgrade my own expertise and professional abilities. I am a native of India, an…show more content…
I hope to follow suit, broadening my international perspective, improving my language skills, and refining my knowledge of accounting. I got expert in the Department of commerce at Krishna University . I choose this major due to my belief that commerce is the foundation of academic and professional development. My department offered us comprehensive training in diverse fields such as accounting, taxation, information technology, costing, auditing and economics. With my extensive foundation in accounting, I am convinced that I can cope up well with the demands of your master’s program. My academic experiences impressed upon me the importance of accounting in the modern business world. With my growing interest in the business world, my…show more content…
In addition to my work in the classroom, I was an active member of campus. I have joined several organizations since my high school, in which I acquired a unique blend of experiences. Perhaps the most memorable and valuable of all was my participation in the Department of commerce’ Student Association. I was in the activity section, which organized many activities for the whole Department. I organized the Department’s large-scale end-of-year party, planning details of the event with my partners and ensuring steady progress toward our goals. During the process of conducting these tasks, conflicts inevitably arose. I worked hard, however, to coordinate with other members of the group and developed contingency plans to address problems as they arose. This experience proved to be as rewarding as it was challenging, and I expect that the leadership experience I acquired will be very useful when pursuing further studies. Given the importance of globalization in the accounting, an education that does not fully address the international and multicultural realities of the modern business world is incomplete. I have therefore decided to pursue my degree overseas, as the expertise and facilities offered in my country’s educational institutions are limited and thus unable to match the diversity and

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