Advantages And Disadvantages Of Aspirin

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Aspirin is used to lessen the fever and relieve mild to moderate pain from conditions such as muscle aches, toothaches, common cold and headaches. In conditions such as arthritis, it may also be used to reduce or suppress the pain and swelling. Aspirin is known as a salicylate and also a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). The (IUPAC) name of Aspirin is 2-(acetyloxy) benzoic acid. It is pronounced as Acetyl Salicylic acid.The route of administration is usually oral The biological half life is dose dependent;2–3 hours for low doses, 15–30 hours for large doses.[2] The excretion of the doses is usually through Urine (80–100%), sweat, saliva and feces.[1] Chemical data of Aspirin is as follows: Formula C9H8O4 Molar mass…show more content…
Whereas on a daily basis aspirin can help to prevent a clot-related stroke, it may raise the possibility of a bleeding stroke (hemorrhagic stroke).[9] In children and adolescents, aspirin is not recommended for flu- like symptoms or viral illnesses, as of the risk of Reye’s…show more content…
It is stable in dry air, but gradually hydrolyses in contact with moisture to acetic and salicylic acids. In solution with alkalis, the hydrolysis continues fastly and the clear solutions formed may consist entirely of acetate and salicylate.[35] Factories that make aspirin tablets, must pay attention to how much of the powder gets into the air inside the building, since the powder-air mixture can be explosive. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has put a recommended exposure limit in the United States of 5 mg/m3 (time-weighted average).[36] In 1989, OSHA set a legal permissible exposure limit for aspirin of 5 mg/m3, but this was quitted by the AFL-CIO v. OSHA decision in 1993.[37] The physical properties of Aspirin are as follows: Aspirin, an acetyl derivative of salicylic acid, is a white, crystalline, weakly acidic substance, with a melting point of 136 °C (277 °F), and a boiling point of 140 °C (284 °F).[38] Its acid dissociation constant (pKa) is 3.5 at 25 °C (77

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