Academic Literature: Literature Review On Academic Achievement

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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Literature Review In literature review, the researchers discussed the dependent variable of the study and independent variable of the study. This is to ensure there is connection and relationship between dependent and independent variable that being studied. 2.1 Academic Achievement Academic achievement is the dependent variable of this study. Dependent variable is mean by a variable that being tested and measured in a scientific experiment or a study. Student’s academic achievement is defined as the accomplishment of work and effort that is comparable with the work done. It is important to know the total of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to understand student achievement in their performance. To…show more content…
Research shows that the students with good degrees or high levels of education are more probably to be employed and paid a higher salary grade than the others with no academic success (UKEssays, 2015). The study will identify if academic achievement has relationship with health status of the participants. 2.2 Health Issue Health issue is the independent variable of the study. Independent variable is mean by a variable that is changed or controlled in a scientific experiment or a study to test the effects on dependent variable. Health is important for people so that they are able to put through a large amount of work in a short time, work properly and for student, they can shines in their examinations (Vijay, 2016). Among health factors are health behaviours, clinical care, social and economic factors and also physical environment (Rankings, 2017). Health is related to academic performance in a way that the students with poor health will have a higher probability of school failure, grade retention, and dropout (Steven R. Shaw, 2015). Health issue will be categorized into three parts which are Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and glucose…show more content…
2.2.3 Glucose Level Glucose is a simple sugar that serves as a primary fuel for energy production especially for brain, muscles and several body organs and tissues (Morgan, 2017). The importance of glucose is as a brain fuel to prevent symptoms of hypoglycaemia such as headache, dizziness or anxiety. It also serves as fuel for other tissues and organs such as cornea and red and white blood cells (Morgan, 2017). Among factors of glucose level are carbohydrates which affect blood glucose the most, fat which tend to make people with diabetes more insulin resistant, caffeine which increase the blood glucose level and alcohol which make the liver busy breaking down the alcohol, and it reduce its output of glucose into the bloodstream (Brown, 2014). Glucose related to academic performance in a way that if the glucose level is high, it will slowly erode the ability of cells in pancreas to make insulin (Arefa Cassoobhoy, 2017). If the glucose level is low, it can cause loss of consciousness, sleep disturbances and mood changes (Arefa Cassoobhoy, 2017). 2.3 Conceptual

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