Self Esteem In Literature

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This paper describes the study which tried to explore the relationship between self-esteem and writing performance of EFL learners in Iran. Data of this study were collected by administering a questionnaire of Rosenberg's self-esteem, a language proficiency test and a writing performance in two different genres, descriptive and narrative, administered twice each. The sample consisted of 50 English intermediate male learners took part at Nourelahi Language Institute in Tabriz. Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to determine the relationship between variables. Results of the study revealed that there was a significant relationship between self-esteem and writing performance in both descriptive and narrative genres. The scores of writing…show more content…
Rosenberg cautions that no one knows the real self, but each individual creates and interprets images of the self. He differentiated between the self confidence and self-esteem. To him self-esteem is more of affective sense of efficacy. As such, self confidence may contribute to self- esteem but the two are…show more content…
Several related studies were conducted in many countries, but they came out with varieties of results. Several researchers claimed that there were no significant correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement (Grodnick, 1996; Joshi and Srivastava, 2009; Naderi, et al, 2009). But other researchers (Tremblay et al, 2000; Hisken, 2011; Rashidi et al, 2011) reported that there were positive correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement. Tremblay, et al. (2000) stated that there was a positive correlation between self-esteem and academic achievement of students in Canada. Hisken (2011) supported that there was a positive correlation between self-esteem and student’s reading ability in United States of America. Rashidi et al. (2011) also pointed out that self-esteem and student’s oral communication in Saudi Arabia was significantly correlated. Grodnick (1996) who investigated the correlation between self-esteem and writing ability of American students claimed that there was non-significant correlation between self-esteem and writing ability. But other studies in non-English-speaking countries pointed out different results from Grodnick

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