Abuse In Society Essay

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What exactly is abuse? Abuse is a huge problem in today’s society, among people affected are adults, the elderly and teenagers, but it is especially seen with children. Our society is so tolerant of abusive behavior that we often do not even recognize some behavior as abusive. There are many different types of abuse: physical, emotional, verbal, economic, mental and sexual. (Maybe a little longer introduction) Physical abuse is episodes of aggressive behavior towards someone trying to result in physical injury. Usually when a person is being physically abused, damages to internal organs, sense organs, the musculoskeletal system, and central nervous system tend to occur (Project PAVE). An example of physical abuse, which is recently popular…show more content…
Economic abuse is found common in people who are elderly. Some examples of economic abuse are withholding money, opening up a joint account and denying access to the other person, forcing them to leave their job, forcing them to get fired, shaming them for how they spend their money, not allowing them to work or get an education, putting all the bills/credit cards in their name, preventing them from using a car, among others (Project…show more content…
A lot of sexual abuse in children is focused on girls but it also very common for boys as well. While there are some similarities in the pattern of disclosure for males and females, most of the time males are less likely than females to disclose child sexual abuse at the time of abuse, and that when they do disclose, they take longer to do so, and make fewer and more selective disclosures (Cashmore and Shackel). Gender roles also might play a huge contributing factor in how victims respond and recover from child sexual abuse (Cashmore and Shackel). Child sexual abuse on boys is either revealed through self-reports or by adult males of their childhood experience whereas females disclose that information about the sexual abuse more readily (Cashmore and
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