Ethos Argument Analysis

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In the 1999 this article was written by the majority staff of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary. It was a response to a series of school shooting. Whereas, the public and news media seek out answer from their elected officinal on what was the cause of this rise of violent acts commit by own youth. The senate is a group of elected official which we have voted in to decide important decision about our country. This article was written with the purpose to prove to the public that violent media has an affect on the rise of youth violence. They try to do this by stating facts provide by government institutions, university and other creditable sources. For that reason, this article I believe to be very effective. While the main topic…show more content…
He uses real creditable facts to reach the reader with a logical and authoritative argument. At one point it talks about a survey done by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC which states the amount of kids carried a gun in the last 30 days. By using the CDC as a source we know that these facts can be trusted. The CDC is a government funded research center that we consider to be the experts on disease. He goes on to use excellent creditable sources such as Center for Media and Public Affairs, American Psychiatric, USA Times, all of these help the author with his Lagos argument. The Ethos argument is also very strong in this argument because it being written by the senate. These elective officials are the people we trust to help run our country so we believe that they are telling the true. The use of experts in the field helps the reader believe all the facts they are given such as, Center for Media and Public Affairs, American Psychiatric Association, American Medical Association. When a person is searching for the facts the best place to look is toward the experts and that is just what this article does. The Ethos argument I believe is strong because these are all the experts in their field and should know the most on these…show more content…
Even thought it is a slow read it does go quickly from topic to topic it does make a point quickly and move on. For example the thesis states the purpose it a strong statement “Numerous research studies have shown that media violence has detrimental effects on the development on children. This does not leave room to question and stands that they are the experts on this subject. Even though this is just a collection of facts it is separate in the section that it easily goes over quickly and linking to the next topic. This helps the dry article be more readable. The reader must take in account also that this article was written about 16 years ago and a lot has change in our society since then. While some of this information might be outdated and not correct I do believe that most of it still can hold true today and that the reader can still learn from
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