The Indian Act: Self Governance In Canada

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When the Indian Act came into effect, it took away traditional governance systems, and forced various rules upon each aboriginal. Aboriginal people have been fighting for their right of self governance according to their own traditions for many years. This paper will demonstrate how self governance is a better approach for aboriginals in the near by future. Aboriginals were known as self governing, before Europeans arrived in Canada. Once the Indian Act came into effect in 1876, this started to change the lives of each and every aboriginal person and how they wished to live their life. Self government provides language and culture, health care and social services, police services, housing, property rights, child welfare. These are basic rights…show more content…
We want to be healthy so that we don't have to see our loved ones in pain and agony. We want to learn how to protect and keep our dear ones for however long we can. We need to teach Aboriginals how to communicate and develop themselves to accept and be part of the Canadian society. They found Canada first, the least we can do is appreciate them letting us stay on their found land and be part of a multicultural society. Aboriginals found Canada before the Europeans did, all they asked for is the right to be known independently. They want to be known for their culture and beliefs. They want others to know of the spirits they look upon. If we gave the aboriginals the respect and involve them in our culture maybe they would accept the way Canadian government runs, but due to the space in between them they came to the decision self government was the best…show more content…
Each tribe would want an independent view on their culture and they would want to be able to make their own law and order. This would allow alcohol consumption, which would disturb the health of many tribes, but they are not well aware of that. Canadians don't want self governance, because it provides greater power to the aboriginals. Canadians feel that this is unfair, because many Canadians spend years to become a Canadian Citizen. One has to go through many obstacles and courses to have the right and honorably achieve the citizenship status. If Canadians allow self governance, there is a risk for each race having its own law and order. There could also be riots with citizens, asking for reasons why they had to go through such a tough time getting their citizenship. Since aboriginals were on the property first, they should have the right to participate in adding their own rules and laws within the government. Their opinion should matter and Canadian government should value their traditions. All they really want is to be recognized as a tribe. They want others to learn of the spirits they believe in and that their traditional values be respected. Under the Indian Act, First Nations (Aboriginals) were allowed to vote in band elections, but they were not permitted to vote in federal elections before 1960 unless they had a status known as registered Indian. A

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