A Raisin In The Sun Literary Analysis

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Instructor Robert Abbate ENG-112-702 September 18, 2015 A Raisin in the Sun A Raisin in the Sun in a fascinating story of a struggling family's highs and lows taking place in a small apartment. The Youngers have a family of five Ruth, Lena, Beneatha, Walter Lee Jr, and Travis. This play by Lorraine Hansberry portrays how dreams can dry up just like a raisin in the sun. The main conflict within the story is that Lena (Mama) will be receiving a 10,000 dollar insurance check for the death of her husband Walter Lee Sr. and they all have their own plans for what they want to do with the money. Ruth who is Walter Lee’s wife, and Lena want to move into a bigger house with the money. Walter, Lena's son, wants to open a liquor store. Beneatha, Walter…show more content…
Ruth starts off having a bad attitude toward Walter because the first thing he speaks of when he wakes up is if the insurance check has came. Then Travis their son wakes up comes in in kitchen asking for 50 cents for school. Ruth tells Travis that they don't have enough to give him money. Walter overhears then proceeds to give him two 50 cent coins for school and for whatever he wanted to do with it which made Ruth really upset. Then Beneatha comes in and starts an argument with Walter because he doesn’t believe she is going after a realistic career as a doctor. One because they don’t want to waste the money for it and two because she’s a female and it’s rare for a female doctor at that time. The as the time Walter leaves for work Lena enters. Mama then begins to tell Ruth that she doesn't want to give Walter any of the money because she doesn't want to have any part in selling liquor. Lena is a very religious person, at one point in the play Beneatha begins to rant about how God takes credit for mans creation and Mama slaps her and tells her to say “in my house there is still God”. Mama does say that she will make sure that some of the money will go to Beneatha for

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