Toumlin Argument Analysis

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This is an analysis on an article of threat to free speech at universities using the Toumlin method. The Toumlin method consists of the claim, qualifiers and exceptions, reasons, warrant, evidence, and refutation. The qualifiers and exemptions are statements the author makes to clarify the claim depriving the opposition, and a refutation is a statement fighting the opposition to the claim. These two terms will not be mentioned in the rest of this analysis I thought it was an important factor to be stated so one can know that it’s part of the method. This will not be my point of view, opinion, or my thoughts on the subject or anything to do with free speech. For reasons of simplicity for the class I’ll only be going over step by step identifying, stating, defining, and discussing the claim, reason, evidence, warrant and the rebuttal.…show more content…
In the second paragraph in the last three lines of the article is where the claim can be found. The claim basically, and of course paraphrasing, was “Title IX, which banned sexual discrimination on campuses, harassment jurisprudence-sometimes combined with other tenuous rationales-became the primary legal tool that universities used to formulate speech codes.” (Lukianoff) The claim in and of itself is saying that the problem is the speech codes, and the author used that claim because it was violating the first amendment. A claim is essentially a central statement that the author is trying to defend and is typically framed as a significant problem or question regarding an important

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