A Man For All Seasons Essay

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Brittany Joseph Mr. Taylor ENG 4UO January 4, 2015 'A Man For All Seasons' Essay 'A Man For All Seasons' is easily a prime example of a play that exhibits the forces of good versus evil. Amongst the main characters, Thomas More and Thomas Cromwell, they demonstrate following rules and following an evil mindset can lead to later in life. In 'A Man For All Seasons' Robert Bolt uses the character, Thomas Cromwell to demonstrate that if a person is aiming to achieve a goal and is willing to put their morals and beliefs aside, then they will eventually fulfill the objective by being loyal to the upper power, threatening the competition, and deceiving others. Success can be achieved through honesty and Godliness or through dishonesty and fraud.…show more content…
Cromwell told More “To frighten a man there must be something in the cupboard, must there not?” (Act 2, p. 118). More is not intimidated by Cromwell’s methods of intimidation and says he has but an empty cupboard. Cromwell says there is something in the cupboard and presents a note from the King’s, denouncing More as a traitor. More knew that this situation had become serious and may get killed for following his moral beliefs. Cromwell made another threat towards More, but, More felt as if the threat was empty in this dialogue between the…show more content…
He blackmails Norfolk and expresses to him “We feel that since you are known to have been a friend of More’s, your participation will show that there is nothing in the nature of a ‘persecution,’ but only the strict processes of law.” Act Two, p. 103. Cromwell informs Norfolk that the King wants him to be involved in bringing down More. Norfolk is angry because Mores' family are very nice people. He is being blackmailed to target More for treason. A second deceitful thing Cromwell did was falsely accusing Thomas More of accepting bribes knowing that with More's title, that under any circumstance can he accept a bribe. Cromwell
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