Importance Of Dedication Essay

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Dedication can make or break someone. Dedication is the result of giving up something in return for bigger and better things for everyone and yourself. There will always be something that has to be given up when there is dedication. Just have to think is it worth it? Will it make me happy in the end is what I ask myself. When thinking of dedication what comes to mind? Staying focused on task and feeling like you have made improvements is what keeps the dedication alive. Ever since I have been in sports, dedication has been engrained into me. Dedication is the main thing most teams are based on. Always hearing that you and your team will go no where unless absolutely everyone is dedicated. Dedication has many meanings but sports is what…show more content…
I found out that my dedication was not there, and if it had been, I could have took our team that much farther. Everyday I walked out of the gym, I wish I would have made sure that I knew I had gotten that one percent better and gave it my all that day. Leaving it all on the court for my team so they know I was a dedicated player for them. It is not about the individual at this point, but now everything is for the team. I know I cannot go back to those days when I was lazy or selfish, but that was one regret I can never…show more content…
Societies view of dedication is more a later life situation. Where they just go to work and try to move up in life. Devoting time to the company and get promotions. I think those should be values of your life, but sometimes work can take over so that the little things are forgotten. Be dedicated to work and play. In the essay "The Company Man" by Ellen Goodman, he just works himself to death because he is a dedicated employee. I think he showed great traits of dedication but got to caught up in his work. He would work 6 days a week until 8 or 9 pm. Never had any interest outside of work and rarely attended extracurricular activities, unless is was a meeting over some golf. I know many people that this criteria could meet. I hope that none of them die from working themselves to death and can pause a moment and enjoy
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