12 Dimensions Of Culture

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Introduction 12 dimensions of culture consider to be the comprehensive theory that give deep insight into person's culture behavior choices. These choices are a picture of a particular person at a moment in time: they can be different depending on the environment. 12 dimensions of culture are tools used to follow global competence and provide the ability to analyze, and arrange the human environment around us from a cultural perspective. Intelligent decisions can be determine based on the understanding of 12 dimensions. Relationship (situational or universal) Relationship can be view by situational perspective or universal perspective. Situational view of relationship determine the need for one to spend time with someone. This kind of a relationship…show more content…
This is not all since there is still the dimension of context. The degree of our formality is majorly shaped by the way our environment is shaped. Everywhere the ‘context dimension’ is ever present but the unwritten part to distinguish what is not appropriate from what is appropriate is the difficult part that has to be faced. This usually features the easy things such as proper introductions, dress codes, order of seating and the conventional ways in which things such as letters and emails need to be written. This however gets a little tricky when we try to establish why one individual should be higher in authority than the other when in the actual sense for both of them they are at a lower seniority. Or what should be done in situations such as: when there is need for group structures to be used as an entry point into a company in a society that corporate structures are secondary to…show more content…
This may lead to each accusing each other of either being too informal or impolite. The bad thing is that when it comes to context there is very little to memorize. In order to understand dimension of context a good inter cultural intelligence is required. Connecting (inclusive or exclusive) We always have a particular set of cultural assumptions whenever we connect with people. This cultural assumptions are the ones that normally order the extend they are allowed to be part of the private information that we are to share with them or how far they are allowed to extend in to our private space. For individuals whose connecting styles is inclusive, the information is shared freely, have the feeling that it is of importance when someone is part of a group than when they are left outside the group. They sense that the individuals actually need to be part of it so they invite people to conversations. For individuals whose connecting style is exclusive, they are keen on who should be part of a conversation and expect the other party to be of sound judgment to know whether they are needed in the conversation or not. They always have private issues with them and may be overheard saying “can I come back in ten

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