Descriptive And Normative Ethics

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One major problem with desire theory is that getting what we want may not be promoting good for you. The desire theory states that, you will be better off if you achieve what you want. What if you desire to hurt another individual or what if you want to destroy the planet? Causing problems will not promote happiness. 2. Contrast descriptive and normative ethics. Descriptive ethics is using the method of science to study morality. Normative ethics uses values and virtues to explore morality. Normative ethics involves critical thinking as a tool to find a moral life, while descriptive ethics uses more of a belief system. Descriptive ethics is more of a job for a psychologists as they teach what to believe. Normative ethics asks the difficult…show more content…
Vaughn states that the categorical imperative is designed to help us recognize what is morally rational, universal, and objective. Even though Criterion III is an adequate resource in problem solving it its accused of lack of usefulness and also asking too much of us. For example, if we had to solve the problem of poverty, then this would require us to give away most of our time and money. 7. Explain the doctrine of double effect and state why it is important to natural law theory. The principle of double effect affirms that performing a bad action to bring about a good effect is never morally acceptable but performing a good action may sometimes be acceptable even if it produces a bad effect. Natural law theory states that right actions are those that conform to moral standards through human reason. The belief is that all of humankind must see purpose in the final outcome. The doctrine of double effect is important to natural theory because it states that the end does not justify the means and the intention must be to only cause a good effect. 8. State two basic problems with ethical egoism and show why they make theory…show more content…
Two basic problems with ethical egoism is that the theory seems to be inconsistent with our considered moral judgments and that we do not always act out of self-interest. Firefighters are immediately willing to run into a dangerous life or death situation to save another life. Also someone’s own interest may be to kill or hurt another individual, just because they have that interest does not mean they should do so. 9. State and explain the basic differences between Bentham’s and Mill’s utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is the leading consequentialist theory, it is the view that right actions are those that result in the most balance of good over bad consequences for all involved. Bentham believed that happiness is only one-dimensional and that is pleasure while Mill believed that pleasures can vary in quantity and quality. Mill once said “It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied and better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. 10. Distinguish act- and rule-utilitarianism and explain what makes rule-utilitarianism more user

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