Culture In South Korea

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Contents South Korea – How History Shaped their Culture 3 GLOBE Study of South Korea 5 Leadership Style in South Korea 8 Implications of Culture on HRM Practices 12 Business Implications: Negotiations 15 Business Implications: Motivation 16 Business in South Korea 17 References 19 South Korea – How History Shaped their Culture Confucianism, ancient Chinese way of thought, is the behavioural genesis of the South Korea. Earlier it was practised as a religion but now it has become way of life. It is detailed code of interpersonal behaviour and pragmatic way to hold the country together. Confucianism states that social order peace and harmony could be achieved if every person knows his or her proper place in society and upholds the responsibilities…show more content…
There were series of attacks to conquer Joseon dynasty. Because of these attacks, Koreans followed isolationist policy and were known as Hermit Kingdom. But in late nineteenth century, it was again ruled by Japan. Japanese rule extended from 1895 to 1945. This rule witnessed cultural genocide. There was forced attempt to unify different ethnic groups. There was forced Kominaka. Cultural genocide included prohibition of use of native tongue, renaming of people and places, removal of people from higher education, destruction of cultural facilities, denial of freedom of religious faith, changing cultural education. Because of this cultural genocide Koreans witnessed there emerged a strong sense of distinction from Japanese culture. Many people started to denounce religion and as a result number of atheist saw an unprecedented rise. Because of such religious migration, South Korea is the fifth largest atheist nation (in terms of % population). But now with the established economic situation the number of theists is on…show more content…
South Korea as a nation is high on uncertainty avoidance. They believe in maintaining rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas. There is an emotional need for rules (even if the rules never seem to work). For them time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy and work hard, precision and punctuality are the norm. Innovation may be resisted in their culture. For them, security is an important element in individual
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