
Page 9 of 50 - About 500 essays
  • Zak Levitt Bad Boys

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    The NBA world championships of 1989 and 1990 yes two years in a row, which is memorable in almost any sport. The Detroit Pistons, more commonly known as the Bad Boys in that era, redefined the game of basketball through their grind and backboned players who wouldn’t back down from anyone. Zak Levitt, the director of this historical documentary who is also a television editor, is a renowned name in the industry. Like his other major works such as The Dream Team, The Announcement, and The Doctor, he

  • Alistair Horne's The Battle Of Algiers

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    Countering an insurgency effectively requires intelligence collection. Bradley Bamford’s “The Role and Effectiveness of Intelligence in Northern Ireland,” details the ways the British gathered and used intelligence to counter the Provisional Irish Republican Army’s goals and strategies. Alistair Horne’s “The Battle of Algiers” focused on the French’s use of interrogations and informants in Algiers as a means of breaking up a bomb making network in Algeria. For the British, their counterinsurgency

  • Essay On Modern Terrorism

    10454 Words  | 42 Pages

    result of rising trends in terrorism. Confronted with one of the most brutal forms of violence, a suitable or adequate response to terrorism is still to be framed, even as a proper context of evaluation and a sufficient understanding of its causation and methodology remain elusive. The uniqueness of terrorism lies in its complex inner dimensions, its continuous and rapid adaptations, and its wide variations across different theatres. Significantly, the transformation of terrorism over the past twenty years

  • Narrative Techniques In La Batalla

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    Harkening back to earlier analyses of La batalla, like the one published by Ana M. López in Julianne Burton’s influential collection The Social Documentary in Latin America (1990), Patrick Blaine notes that Guzmán’s film “seamlessly integrate[s] a number of key narrative devices [. . . ] that ma[ke] it a truly innovative project, surpassing the paradigm of the [documentary] genre in the New Latin American cinema movement and indicating the direction he would take with his later films.” Blaine notes

  • Essay On Conflict In A War Zone

    2042 Words  | 9 Pages

    To what extent does conflict in a war zone affect the development of children? War does a lot of things: it destroys economies, destroys land, ruins relations, but there is also a problem which the global news seem to skip, the welfare of the children in our society1 who need to develop but cannot reach their full potential2 due to the constant fear of getting killed. Children who do grow up in a war zone can struggle enormously during these times. This is because they can be caught in crossfire

  • Cultural Discrimination Assignment

    1240 Words  | 5 Pages

    World history is taught differently throughout the world, some which are unknowingly bias and others which are not. Through this, our perspective of the world is altered. The topics that have been taught to us possess different meanings and affect us in different ways. As I have travelled throughout my entire life, I have been taught differently. Subjects are taught in different forms, depending on the country and the individual who is teaching the subject. Nevertheless, there has been one prominent

  • Paradise Now Essay

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    The movie Paradise Now is based on two Palestinian friends that go by the names Khaled and Said. Khaled seems to be an individual with a free spirit not too worried about what is really going on in any situation. He seems very childish and uncaring most of the time and also has the image of not being bothered by anything even when he is fired from the repair shop in the beginning. The other character which is Said is a little different in some ways. His image portrays him to be calm and relaxed

  • The Pros And Cons Of Terrorism

    932 Words  | 4 Pages

    Terrorism is a very scary issue that almost everyone all over the world is afraid of it.Extremists artificially manufactured, but not limited to civilian and civilian installations, are incompatible with international moral methods of attack. Since 1990, terrorist attacks have been a severe trend of rapid spread around the world.Terrorism can be made by a group such as ISI or Chechnya and also can be made by individuals such as Bin Laden.The criminals always measure to take suicide attacks to cause

  • Government Surveillance Persuasive Essay

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    main source for recruits, funding and information, so limiting their access to the internet can prove effective in countering terrorists. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the question if government surveillance is necessary to counter terrorism. To do this, first techniques employed by the government for surveillance will be delineated. After that, the ways terrorists use the internet to spread their messages and agenda will be described. Then to present an alternative point of view, effective

  • Essay On International Terrorism

    1533 Words  | 7 Pages

    issue of international terrorism. Starting from the 9/11 WTC tragedy, until the presence of ISIS which can not be understimated in the global arena. Terrorism has created much scarcity in each of the hearts and minds of people. Terrorism as defines in the UK Prevention of Terrorism Act 1976, s.14 which is ‘the use of violence for political ends [including] any use of violence for the purpose of putting the public or any section of the public fear’. The action of terrorism can be said success if