
Page 29 of 31 - About 308 essays
  • Borderline Personality Disorder Research Paper

    1613 Words  | 7 Pages

    issues with her father, which could be the cause of her BPD along with the intense pressure from being famous so young. She has had substance abuse issues almost all her life and even drinking problems. Lohan has been found doing cocaine and smoking marijuana. She has also been arrested for drug related charges, gone to rehab multiple times and has acted suicidal. Lindsay Lohan also has issues of anger and fits of rage. These are all symptoms of BPD and her fame in Hollywood could actually be making her

  • PTSD In Tim O Brien's The Things They Carried

    1536 Words  | 7 Pages

    The times have changed, the technology has increased but the end result remains the same. War at any time will leave many soldier dealing with a mental turmoil that can linger with them forever. This mental condition that can take a grip hold over one’s body is called PTSD. This ailment known as post-traumatic stress disorder is a clinically diagnosed mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) outlines the criteria and

  • Status Offenders

    1610 Words  | 7 Pages

    Examples include minor traffic offenses and parking violations, but some jurisdictions have a broad range of other minor offenses classified as infractions. These might include possession of small quantities of marijuana for personal use, minor building code violation, or playing the radio too loudly after 10:00 PM. Most infractions are violations of city or county ordinances. Because infraction cannot result in a jail sentence or even probation, defendants charged

  • Diana Miller Case Summary

    1575 Words  | 7 Pages

    parent’s relationship. After the death of her sister, she developed frequent mood swings, depression and became rebellious. She entered high school soon after, and began to socialize with a negative crowd, who exposed her to harmful substances (marijuana and hallucinogens). At the age of 17, Diana first attempted suicide by cutting her wrists. Soon after she was hospitalized and referred to therapist, seeking treatment twice a week. The treatment failed to improve Diana’s

  • Part-Time Work Ethic: Should Teens Go For It?

    1574 Words  | 7 Pages

    A Summary of “Part-Time Work Ethic: Should Teens Go for It?” The purpose of Dennis Mclellen’s “Part-Time Work Ethic: Should Teens Go for It?” is to show the readers the opinions of Ellen Greenberger and Laurence Steinberg, they state that the jobs we give kids today are not the same as the jobs people had in the past which taught them more skills. The author begins the essay by giving the opinions of 3 students who work, of the students one seems to think that there are more benefits for working

  • Personal Narrative

    1705 Words  | 7 Pages

    It was a chilly Friday morning of December. At right the exact moment I get off my bunk bed, the moment I step foot on the floor, I immediately get ready for the day. The time at that point was 6:50 a.m., and everyone was still asleep. I awoke early so I could get to school early and not late. On regular days I would have to wait for my ride to take us at around 7:45 a.m.. But this day I didn't feel like waiting that much time to get to school. Instead I set up my clothes and supplies so I wouldn't

  • Why Did The British Drug Policy Change In The 1960s?

    1973 Words  | 8 Pages

    The drug policy in UK is a significant topic in the study of drug and policy. The British system of drug control has been through lots of changes. The purpose of this essay is to answer the question of “What was special about the ‘British System’ of drug control, and how and why did it change in the 1960s?” The essay will focus on the development of British drugs policy from the start of the twentieth century to the end of the 1960s; (Berridge, V., 2013) locate it within the context of international

  • Motivational Interview Paper

    1923 Words  | 8 Pages

    Motivational Interviewing and its Effect on Substance Abusers Heather Hayes Tusculum College 11/19/14 Abstract Motivational interviewing is a client-centered counseling approach developed by Miller and Rollnick that is goal directed and focuses on the therapeutic relationship to elicit change. This paper seeks to support the effectiveness of MI and details of key aspects of its approach. This method helps clients to resolve ambivalence and support to facilitate change. The therapist

  • Addiction And The Realm Of Hungry Ghosts: The Biological Model

    1951 Words  | 8 Pages

    Addiction is a term we hear and see in our society, yet not everyone fully understands the full meaning and struggle behind it. With so many different interpretations of what the word addiction means, often people stigmatize others with addiction without understanding the whole premise ‘why’ some people become addicted which can speak volumes, enabling a better understanding and acceptance . With Media having a very strong influence on people today, it is hard at times to turn away from the constant

  • Duck Lips

    1771 Words  | 8 Pages

    Duck Lips and the Fear of Death In 1973, Ernest Becker, in his landmark book The Denial of Death said, “People create the reality they need in order to discover themselves.” Americans spend much time and expense frantically discovering themselves through an odd obsession with celebrities. People magazine, one of the most popular celebrity magazines in North America, rakes in a whopping $997 million in advertisement revenue with 46.6 million subscribers. The average Hollywood celebrity makes approximately