
Page 23 of 31 - About 308 essays
  • Undercover: Police Surveillance In America

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    There are very few people in this world that can become an effective, long-term undercover officer. I learned from “Under and Alone” that in order to carry out undercover work successfully the officer must possess certain essential skill sets. There are numerous factors that should be considered when selecting an officer for undercover work. The factors I will discuss in this report include the officers thought processes and how well he or she is able to identify with the person or group the department

  • James Joseph Bulger Jr Research Paper

    966 Words  | 4 Pages

    James Joseph "Whitey" Bulger, Jr. Braden Eisenbeis Law and Justice - Herbek 1 October 2015 The GOAT James Joseph Bulger Jr.was born on September 3, 1929 in Dorchester, Massachusetts. His father was James Joseph Bulger, Sr. and his mother was Jane Veronica McCarthy. They had six children, and Whitey was the first born. Whitey’s dad worked as a laborer and longshoreman, but lost his arm in an accident which forced the family into poverty. The other 5 children excelled in school. His brother William

  • Donald Trump Myths

    1065 Words  | 5 Pages

    effort, but the wall would significantly increase the amount of protection for the border and would be much harder to penetrate through into America. According to Trump the Mexicans that come across the border are bringing crime and drugs such as marijuana and cocaine into our country making it a more dangerous place to live. “To have a country, you have to have a strong border, you have to have a really strong border, and this has to stop. I will build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it

  • Malcolm X: The Autobiography Of Malcom X

    997 Words  | 4 Pages

    Shortly after his arrival in, he met Shorty, who decided to take Malcolm under his wing. He found work as a shoeshine boy at Roseland State Ballroom, and learned that much of the job’s income comes from the underground business of selling alcohol and marijuana and acting as a bridge between white customers and black prostitutes (51). With his zoot-suit and conked hair, he was no longer a country bumpkin. Malcolm immediately adapted into the urban lifestyle, integrating himself into a community that accepted

  • The Natural Mind Chapter 2 Summary

    1021 Words  | 5 Pages

    Book Report: The Natural Mind by Andrew Weil “Why People Take Drugs” Chapter two of Andrew Weil’s books summarizes his beliefs of why people use drugs. After reading this chapter along with chapter three and four, a reader may be convinced that Weil does not believe that taking drugs is wrong. He focuses on how a person’s search for an altered conscious may lead to the drug use, because drug use is one means to gaining an altered conscious. This chapter is based on his belief that “we seem to be

  • Criminological Theories

    2287 Words  | 10 Pages

    There are many types of criminal offenders and no matter what their offence may be, all offenders have important psychological and criminological explanations that have motivated and influenced their behaviour. Ongoing analysis of criminal offending has delivered useful information and theoretical evidence to the field of criminology that aids in the identification of the significant triggers that influence a person to become criminal. As for John Martin Crawford, a Canadian serial murderer that

  • Melissa Caldon Memo

    964 Words  | 4 Pages

    CC Melissa Caldon is a 34-year-old female here today to discuss anxiety and panic attacks. HPI The patient tells me she is under "extreme stress" for the last couple of months. She is having issues with her boyfriend. They signed a lease together in July and they are now having issues. She reports that there have been some verbal abusive situations, but never any physical abuse that has happened. She is working with her landlord to figure out what she can do with her lease, but currently they

  • T. C. Boyle's Greasy Lake

    972 Words  | 4 Pages

    As teenagers on a brink of adolescence to adulthood go through a point in their lives where they want to step out from parental control. During these teens’ years, they try out different elements, such as drugs, drinking, societal disturbance, sexual exploration and violence. As a result, the community where they live would also determine what morals they get. Do they live in pursuit of greener pastures, or do they mature and learn from their mistakes? Here, the life of a wayward teenager without

  • Song Analysis: Across The Universe

    999 Words  | 4 Pages

    Across the Universe In the movie Across the Universe, the romance between an upper-class American girl, Lucy, and a poor artist from Liverpool, Jude, is framed by the music of the Beatles and the Vietnam War. Each song is carefully and beautifully woven into the plot of this story. It would not seem as if one could find a way to select such songs and give them a real meaning and purpose. Even though a large portion of Beatles’ music does not have a very clear meaning by itself, or only seems to

  • Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)

    1070 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) is the law that governs Canada's youth justice system. It applies to youth ages 12-17, who are alleged to have committed criminal offences. It became effective on April 1, 2003, completely replacing Canada’s previous legislation, the Youth Offenders Act (YOA). The YCJA addressed a multitude of concerns that the YOA failed to cover including “ the overuse of the courts and incarceration in less serious cases, disparity and unfairness in sentencing, a lack of