Slaughterhouse Five Plot

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The ISU Novel Analysis: Page one: Plot Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut is written in a very unorthodox type of way. The story is mostly about the bombings of Dresden, Germany, and about how people are affected by war. The story revolves around protagonist Billy Pilgrim, a man that has been "unstuck in time." This means that the adventures of Billy are constantly being revisited and the reader is being brought along and jumped around from memory to memory. Since Vonnegut experienced and survived the bombings in real life, a lot of Pilgrims thoughts throughout the book are said to have been those of Vonnegut's himself. This is also the reason that the book is written in such an unusual manner. Since Vonnegut suffers from Post Traumatic…show more content…
He started studying Optometry before he was drafted into the US Army and sent to Europe to help the allies fight in World War Two. Billy participates in the Battle of Bulge, in Belgium, where he is immediately taken prisoner by the Germans and becomes a prisoner of war (POW). He and the other POWs are transported to Dresden and are forced to work for food and shelter or they will be executed and/or be forced to starve. Billy and his camp are housed in an abandoned slaughterhouse, Slaughterhouse Five. One night, allied forces start to bomb Dresden and end up killing over 130,000 people, but Billy and the other POWs survive by hiding in an airtight meat locker. When the bombing stops, Billy and the other POW's emerge and find that the whole city is destroyed. They are then forced to clean up the dead corpses from the streets, until the Russian forces invade the city and set the prisoners free. Billy then returns to New York, becomes an optometrist, and marries an obese women named Valencia. They raise two children together and become very rich as Billy takes over the optometry school. All is well until their 18th wedding anniversary, where Billy has a mental breakdown after the sight of a barbershop reminds him of Dresden. The day after his daughter's wedding, Billy reveals on a radio show that he was abducted by 2 foot tall aliens called Tralfamadorians. They keep him in a zoo dome and observe him like a wild animal. When…show more content…
Humans are extremely social and emotional creatures. They need to interact with each other and share feelings and emotions or else they may get bottled up. The ability to feel happy, to laugh, cry, get jealous or angry are all feelings that need to be shared with other humans. That is why prisons and solitary confinement are the ideal forms of punishment in the modern world. Physical pains will heal, but emotional ones can last forever. Bottling up emotions is what causes many of the physiological issues that humans have today. Billy Pilgrim goes through his whole life holding in his emotions and not opening up to anybody due to the fear of negative feedback. He lets himself be rolled over, and makes no effort into trying to control his world. When he was a child, his father threw him into a swimming pool to sink or swim. "His eyes were closed. When he opened his eyes, he was at the bottom of the pool."(Vonnegut 44) Billy puts no effort into surviving. The will to survive requires emotion. Billy does not show compassion into achieving any of his goals. He just accepts his position and goes along with whatever is thrown his way, regardless of how much harm it may cause him. During the last chapter, the author says, "If what Billy Pilgrim learned from the Tralfamadorians is true, that we all live forever, no matter how dread we sometimes seem to be, I am not overjoyed. Still-if I am going to spend eternity
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