Women's Roles In The Ottoman Empire

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Additionally, the royal concubines could attain such power due to the socioeconomic conditions of the past. In the 15th and 16th century in particular, the Ottoman Empire was at its peak of strength and the Ottomans territory greatly expanded. Under the rule of Selim I, he defeated of the Mamluks and the Kizilbaş and subsequently acquired Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Palestine in 1517 . Conquering Arabia led to a large influx of people under Ottoman territory, all contributing to the economy of the empire. With many people working for the economy of the empire, large sums of capital poured into the treasury of the sultans. Clearly, the Ottoman Empire’s military prowess meant that with each success and acquisition of land there was a large…show more content…
Clearly, the role of women in the early Ottoman court is binary: while marriage and royal wives serve a purpose to solidify alliances, reproduction and royal slaves serve to produce offspring to inherit the sultanate. For the sultan, the two women’s purposes are to do these roles; hence it is not necessary for them to attain power or visibility. Unfortunately, as these women are arguably most important women in the Ottoman Empire, these roles that they play still influence the roles of many women in the Empire. Over time, as these traditions of marriage and reproduction begin to penetrate the lives of the common people and these two types of women later become the prime example for many women in the Ottoman Empire. Hence, integrated into Ottoman culture, many women similarly took up the role of being mergers of familial alliances and mothers. The women in the royal court determine the role and significance of many women in the Ottoman Empire. Ultimately, these traditions that make it difficult for women to attain power and visibility continue to hinder women throughout the Ottoman
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