What Role Did Islam Play In The Ottoman Empires

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Jason Svistun Mr. Dick HIS 112 2W1 12SP 12 March 2012 The Ottoman and Mughal Empires Islam was a major factor at play in both the Ottoman and Mughal Empires in many ways. The spread of Islam through the succession of Muslims in many territories across the Atlantic to the borders of China was a slow process. Although Islam was spread across these vast territories, Muslims only made up a small portion of the population as minorities. In contrast, the spread of Muslim ruled territories moved quickly, but the spread of Islam moved at a much slower pace. Islam was also found to spread through the Ottoman Empire, although this spread was quite unsuccessful for reasons that include: Muslims did not favor the centralized government of the empire,…show more content…
The Ottoman Empire was one of the very few regions where women had a high status, giving them freedom. This freedom given to the women in the empire allowed the women to work anywhere they desired and could own their land. This important fact leads to the role of women in the Ottoman economy, where women were important landholders, allowing them to borrow and lend money, serve as tax farmers, and enter into a plethora of business partnerships. The Ottoman Empire also encountered a period known as the “Sultanate of Women,” which consisted of women possessing enormous amounts of power over the matters of the state. Nurbanu Sultan (wife of Selim II) was a woman who was an example of an active role in important political matters when she was “key in bringing peace that concluded the War of the Holy League in 1573” (Dursteler). Women in the state also contributed to the support of important public building projects, as well as charitable works. On the subject of charitable works, Ottoman women created many charitable institutions that included hospitals, schools, and mosques. In comparison, the Mughal Empire too was one of the very few Islamic states that provided virtuous treatment toward women. The women of the empire had all the benefits and powers that women had in the Ottoman Empire. Women were allowed to own property, gain political power as officials and…show more content…
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