Women's Role In Aboriginal Society

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The role of women in the Australian Aboriginal society Women of the Australian Aboriginal Society were protected and nurtured since birth. They were under careful watch by their parents until adulthood. As children, they were encouraged to partake in activities such as crafts and domestic activities with their mothers while boys were allowed to partake in spear throwing with their fathers. When Australian Aboriginal girls reached Puberty, they were seen as items for marriage. Bought and sold by peers sometimes with and more likely without their consent. Sometimes men would also chase, beat up and “acquire” a wife from different tribes. A girl would be promised to a man and in return, her family was given a portion of his future hunting. In…show more content…
Though they are encouraged to partake in activities according to their gender, they are believed to be equal to men. They are respected for their honor and wisdom and they were believed to have special gifts given to them by the “creator”. In Aboriginal Creation legends, they believed that women came to earth from a hole in the sky to take care of the earth. It was believed that a woman taught the first man about technology and the medicines of the earth. Some ethnic groups such as the Ojibway tribe believe that the earth is a women and she is the mother of the people. Legends such as this are what caused the Australian Aboriginals to have such gender equality in their society. Women in the Australian Aboriginal society play a vital role in their survival. They are depended on to take care of children and the domestic side of life in the Australian Aboriginal society. They were expected to provide food, security and early education to newborns. Husbands and wives of the Traditional Australian Aboriginal society are expected to honor and respect each other. Both male and female members of the Australian Aboriginal society are extremely vital in spiritual life and ceremonies

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