The Samurai's Garden Character Analysis

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Lizzie Velásquez is labeled as one of the most ugly woman in the world, because she was born without any body fat leading to multiple physical defects, she says that “the biggest things [she has] to deal with is constantly people staring,” which is how almost everyone looks at some to see the beauty now. In The Samurai’s Garden, Sachi, a woman with leprosy wants to end her life, but meets Matsu, who shows her a new life in Yamaguchi under the care of Michiko. Over time, Matsu and Michiko teach Sachi that there are multiple types of beauty in life. Through Sachi’s thoughts and actions, Gail Tsukiyama conveys the message that outer beauty does not hold as much value as inner beauty, and that judging people by their outer appearance is unjust.…show more content…
However, in time she learns that inner beauty has more value than outer beauty. Once arriving at Yamaguchi, Sachi is fearful that “[she] would turn into one of the [monsters],” (Tsukiyama 143). The word “monster” describes something that is less than human, which was Sachi’s opinion of those with leprosy. The phrase “[She] would turn” shows how she feared such a large change, losing her well known beauty, something that she had always taken for granted. When Matsu shows her that she has “only known the ordinary kind of beauty which appears on the outside… [She] now desires something deeper” (Tsukiyama 151), Sachi begins to understand that physical beauty is not everything. The “something” in “[She] now desires something deeper” refers to the unique personality and character that Sachi failed to realize she had. While the “ordinary kind of beauty” is the typical kind of physical beauty, through the words of Matsu, Sachi learns that there are different forms of beauty, and that one should pay attention to the beauty of a person’s character, because that is what defines a

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