Women's Rights In The 1920s

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The 1920’s were a time of great development and change. Women began gaining more freedom including and the right to vote and became more independent in the way they thought, taking a stand for their individuality and right to be respected. The jazz age made the 1920’s; it created life and became the popular music for dancing. Prohibition; the ban of alcohol, was influenced by the temperance movement and created a lot of controversy. The evolving change and freedom gained in this time, would influence the growth of our society and the basic morals that most Americans live by today. The Roaring 1920s became known for its extreme social and cultural changes and development. Women in the 1920s, called the “new women” because of their new radical ways of thinking and strife to become equal to men on all levels. Their first achievement came in 1920, when women received the right to vote in the form of the Nineteenth Amendment. Men felt that women were not equal to them and did not deserve the right to vote. They believed that women had a different thought process from men, and that if they voted it wouldn’t be their nature. Oddly didn’t enough, women did not take advantage of their right to vote, and a lot of them even have the desire to vote. After a while though, women began using their power to change laws that they saw as unjust from a woman standpoint, such as laws…show more content…
Since it was becoming more common for women to work and become independent, having families was a notion either put on hold, or a limitation to the number of children was addressed. Most women started to realize that having too many children became a hindrance on their newfound career options. The workingwoman needed a helpful solution, thus incomes birth control. Birth control became a major topic of discussion, and acknowledged more of women’s feelings about sex and individuality of women’s

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