Attitude Towards Women In The 1920s

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In the 1920’s, women’s role was starting to change in social status and diversifying in politics and academics. After World War One was ended with an armistice, an economic recession caused the stock market to close and made many people live in poverty, but economic growth was soon recovered in few decades. A woman of 1920 was seemed as a “new woman” that emphasized the stereotypical view of “old woman” was diminished. Men’s attitude was shown differently toward women. Generally, men showed more positive attitude toward women because women played important and useful role significantly in society. Even though women encountered many difficulties and dilemma excessively in gaining independent and self-esteem, nevertheless, technology, education…show more content…
First of all, development of technology had improved women’s life. The inventions of electricity and plumbing made women’s housework differently. Most of women worked as housewives in rural area without electricity. They had to light kindle for cooking or staying at night. Some of machines were not able to run without electricity such as washing machines or sewing machine. Living without electricity was very harsh and arduous. Electricity made women lived more convenience than before. Using electricity light was more efficient than lighting candle. The invention of plumbing led people to get water supplies indoor and created a room called bathroom. Generally, women didn’t have to waste their time to get water outside for cooking and washing. They could easily get water by using plumbing. These inventions enhanced quality and efficiency of women’s housework. Moreover, job’s opportunity of women had increased dramatically in the 1920s. Before 1920s, most of Americans believed that women should not work outside if husband got a wage-earning job. This was the stereotypical perspective of “old-women” from men. After 1920s, women were not longer

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