Women Labor Literature Review

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction This chapter focuses on Women Labor as a concept under Karl Marx’s theory of surplus value in sociological approach. In this chapter, my concerns will be centered on how woman is seen as labor in term of housework, reproduction and socialization. This chapter depends on articles, theses, dissertation, chapters from books and reviews that may clarify the concept. The second focus in this chapter is dedicated to look at the studies concerning women’s labor in Afghanistan in the form of literary text. This section tries to show the importance of this research in the middle of a larger scholarship circle on women labor. 2.2 Perspectives on Women Labor In this section, I will look at the relevant studies…show more content…
Dempsey in his study of Men and Women’s Power Relationships and the Persisting Inequitable Division of Housework (2000) projected the issues of the power of a husband in neglecting and objecting the traditional division labor in housework. As a result, their wives are inferior to get their husband along in helping their house chores. For instance, in Dempsey recent research in Australian study, it has shown that husbands were mostly inquired their wives to had an extra work in cooking and cleaning even though they were already do most of the homework throughout the day (7). Referring to the power of a man compared to woman, this issues of unnerving and unfair in division labor of housework and become premiere contribution to this…show more content…
Gimenez, a professor of Sociology in University of Colorado argue about the mode of production between men and women in some of capitalist advanced country and other country as well in her article of Capitalism and Oppression of Women: Marx Revisited (Gimenez 1). She examines the oppression of women is observable effect in many form such as in the socioeconomic figure, the domestic division labor and labor market. The relationship between the oppression of women is determined by the mode of production and social reproduction. In addition, women oppression is generally shaped by their families’ pressure, gender oppression and the class exploitation (11). Gimenez is applying the concept of women labor and capitalist that is generated by Karl Marx to demonstrate the issue of women oppression in the field of

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