Women In Amelia Earhart

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How much have women progressed and the view from society changed from the Amelia Earhart’s time? For the past couple of centuries the idea of air transportation has grown very rapidly, and throughout the time none can overlook the significant contributions made by women aviators. Women have been able to break the glass ceiling and rise to the highest levels in the aviation industry since 1903. Despite the laws and policies that protect the rights of women, inequality between men and women still remains widespread and deep rooted especially in this field dominated by the male counterparts. How many of us are quite aware that women received their voting rights only after the 19th amendment was sanctioned in 1920 and amidst of this tussle their…show more content…
This take-off mesmerized many men who started dedicating their time and effort in the building of aircrafts and various flying accomplishments. Nevertheless, women equally exhibited great interest in this new flying field and wanted to participate and enjoy the diversified experiences it had. While facing a regime of setbacks, women aviators were still found accomplishing successful careers in the past. Even in this egalitarian age, though various solutions are put in place in order to increase the percentage of women pilots in aviation, a spectrum of questions and concerns remain evident. How much have women progressed in this field? And whether the view from society changed from the Amelia Earhart’s time? This involves a greater analysis of the history and the study of the development of female pilots is…show more content…
And women’s intervention changed this prevailing approach which gained more dependability and consistency. The challenge and record set by the women aviators such as Amelia Earhart, Louise Thaden, Harriet Quimby, and Blanche Scott motivated other women to endeavor into flying. At the same time, the need to possess this daring trait created a misapprehension that women did not possess the required capabilities such as courage, great physical dexterity and extraordinary energy. Early women aviators developed a new strategy writing books and short stories on their flying experience. Through their writings, women were able to convey to the large audience that the idea that considered female flying unwomanly is a myth. The ‘Ninety-Nines’ which was an all-women pilot’s group founded by Amelia Earhart also helped protest the various forms of discrimination women experienced in their work

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