the nursing metaparadigm. The nursing meteparadigm has four concepts that will be different from person to person, which includes the person, health, environment, and nursing. This is my personal nursing metaparadigm that reflects my thoughts on the four concepts. The main purpose for a nursing metaparadigm is to have a shared set of concepts that guides the care of nursing and ensure proper nursing care is being performed. My Nursing Philology Metaparadigm Berman
accurately. However, this view may be a sensible method to test cause and effect but it does not address the person from a holistic perspective which is a foundation of nursing practice. Historicism takes into account the social context of the research, recognizing that historical circumstances and the researcher's subjective understanding influence processes. Historicism recognizes that concepts evolve from cultural and social contexts (Hjorland, 2009). Just as a word may have different meanings