Is Amelia Earhart A Good Role Model?

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Amelia Earhart is an example of a good role model because she fought for women’s rights and encouraged them to do more. According to the text, “ In a letter to her husband, written in case a dangerous flight proved to be her last… I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried” (Biography of Amelia Earhart). This excerpt shows how she fought for women’s rights and encouraged them because she wanted women to try to do things men have tried. This excerpt also shows how she fought for women and encouraged them because if she died, she would like women to do more things when she wasn’t there. Another piece of evidence that proves Amelia was a good role model was… According to the text, “This idea bubbled in President Elliott’s mind until a dinner party at his home a few weeks…show more content…
According to the text, “… found a job in the mailroom of the local telephone company to pay for the lessons herself” (Fleming 35). This quote shows how Amelia never gives up and has confidence in herself because since her dad couldn’t afford flying lessons, she got a job and paid for lessons herself. Amelia didn’t give up. This quote also shows how Amelia never gives up and has confidence in herself because she believed that she could do it. Amelia had confidence in herself. Another piece of evidence that proves Amelia was a good role model was… According to the text, “With their fuel now dangerously low, the fliers considered giving up and landing in the sea near the ship… she waved a towel out… one friendly soul pulled off his coat and waved back” (Fleming 56-57). This piece of evidence proves Amelia never gave up and had confidence in herself because she didn’t give up when the fuel was running out. She tried waving a towel and someone saw her do that. She was confident while doing this because she saw the people and was hoping they will see

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