Women During The Enlightenment

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Women’s representation for the most of western history was cruel. The Enlightenment stressed the change for education but the worth for women education also smudged. In the 16th and 17th centuries, education was made only available for the truest women but they were guaranteed the same level of education as men. The Enlightenment enforced the importance of education for ethical development and the model procedure of society. All women of upper and middle classes were offered education in improving accomplishments. Enlightenment thinkers thought there subjects were of intelligent punishments; only meant for men. Women enjoyed very few economic, lawful, or governmental rights and were expected to be obedient to their father or husbands. Women were confirmed to traditional gender roles, which forced them to remain in the interior or secluded choice of society. The most significant function for women during…show more content…
Women faced many challenges during the renaissance and enlightenment. From the renaissance up to the eighteenth century, women were constantly considered to be lesser and their role in society remained primarily domestic. The representation and attitude of women started to gradually improve. During the enlightenment strict gender roles were promoted; while during this time signs of feminism were seen. Women were mainly doing house work, such as hosting salons in their homes. Women were able to gain learning support and knowledge through these salons. During this era a feminist writer by the name of Mary Wollstonecraft influenced women in such a way. She wrote books, novels, etc. Wollstonecraft wrote about on how women should receive formal education. She believed if these women were educated they could support society, and they could be equal to their husbands in society. She believed women should still do house duties, all she wanted was women to get an

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