During The Enlightenment

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The Merriam-Webster dictionary definition of an enlightenment is the state of having knowledge or understanding. During the eighteenth-century, a very well-known philosophical movement took place. Most people currently remember and refer to this philosophical movement as the Enlightenment. Much of the knowledge learned during the Scientific Revolution was expanded upon and more knowledge was gained. The Enlightenment was very influential through economic, political, and cultural ways. The Enlightenment consisted of many different improvements in economics such as improvements in social science and government. The Physiocrats are viewed as the founders of the modern social science of economics. Physiocrats were a French…show more content…
Ideas get passed down, shared, or even taught to others to travel across the world. During most of history, women tend to be referred to inferior to men. However, during the Enlightenment, female thinkers finally started to share their ideas. Mary Wollstonecraft was known for the major advancement of women’s statement for rights. She is known as being the founder of modern European and American movement for women's rights. She specifically highlighted that women’s rights should be the same as men’s rights. The growth of reading and the spread of literature ideals are also extremely important to the Enlightenment. The number of novels published significantly rose during the Enlightenment. The first magazine was also published during the Enlightenment which helped the growth of reading because of the low price of magazines. Salons brought together writers and artists with aristocrats, government officers, and middle-class representatives. Salons were drawing rooms in urban homes. Religion impacted culture during the Enlightenment because of all of the different religions that existed during that time. There were three main religions during the Enlightenment. They were Christianity, Protestantism, and Methodists. John Wesley, an Anglican minister, formed the most famous new at the time religious movement, Methodism. He preached to everyone his ideas which caused many conversion experiences. The Voltaire: Letters on the English or Lettres Philosophiques explains that everyone is allowed to practice their own religion, but they say that certain religions overall are the most important way of life and existence. These religious conversions caused a major change in the culture during the
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