Essay On The Enlightenment

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The Enlightenment is a result of mainly two previous events. I believe that the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution where the two main reasons. The Enlightenment also began as a result of key people. Such as, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Sir Francis Bacon, René Descartes, Isaac Newton, Nicholas Copernicus. John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in England. He was sent to the prestigious Westminster School in London (1647).Locke was awarded a bachelor's (undergraduate course of studying / 4 years of study) degree in 1656, and a master’s degree in 1658. He obtained a bachelor of medicine qualification in 1674. In 1668 Locke was elected as a fellow of Royal society. Locke was forced to leave in England in 1683 due to a failed assassination…show more content…
The U.S. Constitution was established in 1787. Many key figures inspired the writers of the constitution, and this also affected America overall. This also affected other countries overall. Locke’s idea was that the leaders are chose by the people. Montesquieu believed in separation of power and balance. This means that no branches of the government have too much power. Rousseau’s concept of direct democracy was also applied, meaning people vote on their congressmen and president. Voltaire believed in religious freedom, which is still used today in the U.S and many other countries. Beccaria believed that the accused have rights and that torture is unjust punishment. "Innocent until proven guilty". The French Declaration was a very important paper/book. The French Declaration was established in 1789. The Declaration eventually led to the French Revolution, and this book/paper contains 17 very important articles. The majority of the articles talk about human rights, and private property. It also includes articles about unjustified arrests, and how someone cannot be arrested, unless proved guilty. Offices and positions in higher ranks are also free to all citizens, and all citizens are equal to participate in legislation directly or indirectly (legislation = collection of
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