Winston Smith And Julia In George Orwell's '1984'

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Winston Smith and Julia Physical Description: Winston has a small, thin and frail body. He has fair hair and is 39 years old. His skin is reddish and roughened by razor cuts. Since he has a varicose ulcer, he walks slowly. Julia is beautiful and young. (26 years old) She has dark hair and freckles. She has a narrow scarlet sash, the emblem of the junior Anti-Sex league wound around the waist of her overalls. Criminal Activity: Winston Smith: Buying a diary from an ordinary shop. Writing into a diary. Writing ‘DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER’ several times in his journal. Questioning the party. Having a love affair with Julia. Renting a flat and staying there with Julia. Reading Goldsteins’s book. Declaring his loyalty to the Brotherhood. Sharing love and loyalty with Julia. Julia: Having sex for pleasure. (with multiple people) Declaring her loyalty to the Brotherhood. Sharing love and…show more content…
Love, loyalty, sharing human emotions, getting pleasure out of life… Since he is old enough to remember some fragrances of his childhood, he remembers life before the party. He also hates the party for the disappearance of his family and for the apathy they create in everyone. After meeting Julia, he hates the party because they can’t be together. He gets angry because the lack of privacy they have. Just like in the book: “Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. ” Love and finding another person who also hates the party makes him braver and in result he commits more crimes. The fact that Julia has slept with many men gives him hope because there are more people who are going against the party. He says ‘The more men you’ve had, the more I love you.’ Julia on the other hand only hates the party because it does not let her fulfill her sexual desires. Her rebellion to the party is for her own enjoyment, it is self-centered unlike Winston who wants everybody to be

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