A 1984 Interpretation Of Pablo Picasso's Finest

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A 1984 Interpretation of Picasso’s Finest Pablo Picasso’s The Old Guitarist from 1903 is a timeless piece of artwork that is one of his most famous works. This beauty comes straight from the Blue Period of Picasso’s life, around the early 1900s. The painting describes and shows a visual of an old, emaciated man holding a brown-tannish guitar with the background exhibiting somber colors of blue and black. Similar to the painting though, the artist himself, Picasso, has been through hardships and struggles throughout his life. Also, homologous to the famous illustration and Picasso’s life, both perfectly tie into another genre of art, though not the one that requires paint and paintbrushes. George Orwell’s classic 1984 describes a bleak and…show more content…
The Old Guitarist and Picasso’s personal struggles exhibit qualities that resemble those of 1984; these creations leave a depressing, darkening, and gloomy impression on its viewers and readers alike. The events of Picasso’s life help to demonstrate how The Old Guitarist has similar characteristics and features to some of the events of 1984. Similar to Winston in 1984, Picasso suffers through times of great difficulty throughout his life. During the late 1890s in Picasso’s life, he goes on a trip with his fellow studio-mate, Carle Casagemas, to Paris to find artistic discoveries to help Picasso to mature as an artist. Picasso and Casagemas also go to Paris because Picasso is anxious to see his dark, moody painting, Last Moments, on display in a museum in Paris. After two months in Paris, Picasso returns to Spain with his trustworthy comrade. Casagemas, however, is upset after he, “…became despondent about a failed love affair” (“Pablo Picasso”). Picasso tries to…show more content…
According to the text of 1984, when Winston is a young boy, the Party has rations on some of the foods due to one of the continuous wars in Oceania. One of the foods that is on ration during that time is chocolate. One day in Oceania, a chocolate ration is put into effect. Winston manages to get a hold of a two-ounce slab of chocolate. With his family starving because of such harsh conditions, his mother demands him to stop being greedy. A long argument ensues between Winston and his dear mother. His mother, trying to compromise with Winston, splits off a quarter of the chocolate for Winston’s sister while Winston still has three-quarters of the chocolate left. Then, all of a sudden, Winston makes a quick move to his sister, takes the remaining chocolate, and runs away as swiftly as he can. His mother shouts at him “Winston, Winston! …Come back! Give your sister back her chocolate!” (Orwell 163). Winston never comes back to his mother and his sister, as he never turns around. This might perhaps be the last time he sees either one of them; however, later in the book he meets a woman with the same last name as him, Smith who claims to be his mother. Many years later after this incident, Winston tells Julia that although he believes his actions plays a part in the supposedly death of his mother and the death his sister. Winston and Picasso both have feelings of guilt for the deaths of their family

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