Sense's Influence The Colonists Discrimination Against Great Britain

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Common Sense 1. He was saying that the colonial unity had just begun. The colonies were just starting to work together as one. The colonies coming together signified the start of fighting back against external rule and also the beginning of a separate America. 2. The colonists had become accustomed to living separated from Britain as their own people. When Britain started trying to reassert their control of the colonists, they gained to ideas of fighting authority. This thinking led to the revolution. 3. The purpose for Common Sense is to influence the colonists to join against Great Britain. He wanted the colonists to unite so that they could gain freedom. He believes that it is already too late to try and reconcile with Britain. 4. a. He says that there has…show more content…
When he says “men of passive tempers look somewhat lightly over the offenses of Britain,” he is saying that there are still people who believe their relationship can be redeemed. There were still colonists who didn’t want to go to war. c. One of the arguments is that the mother country (Britain) is feeding off her daughter country (America). The colonists believed this was true due to the taxes that were being placed upon them by the British. d. Paine believes that as America continues to grow, Britain will no longer be able to govern it. He says this is a reason to separate. e. He says that Britain does not protect America from their enemies, but instead protects America from Britain’s enemies. Britain did protect the colonies in times of war and Paine believes it was for its own interest instead of the interest of America. 5. Pained combined Enlightenment thought and emotionalism. He did this by combining the idea of questioning authority and encouraging the colonists to think about the future. Declaration of Independence 1. The purpose of the document is to explain the reasons why America is separating from Britain. He made the document broad so that it could be relatable to other

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