Mermaid Informative Essay

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Amy Childers Mrs. Dwiggins Computer 309 24 September 2014 Mermaid Are Mermaid’s the beautiful goddesses that you think they are, or are they the sign of your death? What do you believe they’re for? The earliest know mermaid was Atargatis goddess of Syria. It said that Atargatis dove into a lake and took a form of half woman half fish. Siren’s and Mermaid’s get mixed up a lot but they're not the same, because Siren’s are creature’s that use there compelling song to lure men to the Siren. When they came toward the Siren, the Siren would eat them alive. On the other hand Mermaid’s are know for eating sea food like seaweed, clam’s, and fish. Mermaid’s don’t eat humans alive. Mermaids used weapons protect themselves from bigger predators. For many years they found many unexplained spears in fish. The remains of fish like whales and sharks have been found on the bottom of the sea with unexplained spears in their corpses. Also they used them to hunt for small…show more content…
First I will start with African myth’s and legend’s. A water spirit named Mami Wata has been respected and celebrated for many years, because they believed that she must be loved and feared. Mami Wata was regarded to being an immortal spirit that personifies polar opposites, such as wealth and destruction, health and disease, and good and evil. Mami Wata was know to be beautiful and deadly to humans. Legend’s say that any swimming or boating would be taken to her under water layer ( or spiritual realm ). On some occasions she will let them go back to their lives, but when the came upon the water they were dry! Mami Wata’s outfit was most interesting, is because she wore white to show her beauty and wore red for destruction and danger. Also some people would see a Python wrapped around her body. The Python stands for her symbol because she is beautiful but

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