William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying

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The Act of Growing Through his ideas regarding perspective, personality, and emotions for his characters; William Faulkner encompasses these traits to display the comical and ironic mannerisms found among the Bundren family. With his stream of consciousness style, Faulkner elicits a mercurial tone from the constant shifting of character perspectives and the covert thoughts each character thinks in his or her head. Every character contains a personally unique insight, however, accomplishing very little in the long run.. Contrary to the smooth flow from the stream of consciousness style, the actual implementation of this technique creates a more capricious tonal quality with the large number of characters in As I Lay Dying. Although each member of the Bundren family has his or her own unique personality, all of them struggle to find a common ground. Here they combine both experience and language, “ developed by narrators desperately craving for a unity of experience and articulation, a reconciliation of language, self and world” (Delville). Delville exemplifies how the family attempts to connect with each other through the sole…show more content…
This emphasis on each individual person helps to distinguish the distinct contrasts among the group, seen especially through the syntax of each person’s thoughts. In just three character transitions, Faulkner goes from Darl’s analytical prowess to Cash’s logical reasoning in constructing on a bevel to Vardaman’s, “My mother is a fish” (Faulkner, 28). As a result of stream of consciousness, a different tone would fit in each character’s perspective and
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